Sunday, March 4, 2012


fine knife

There are many kinds of knife some made of stainless some made of steel.

- Kitchen Axe - use for cut meat or bone.
- Cutlet knife - use for cut/slide fruit and vegetable, some curve knife use for sculpture.
- When using a long knife with a sharp knife to make it a secret for a stone knife, which resembles a thick cube.

- How the knife for sharpening stone knives cube page needs to put a stone on the cloth so as not to rock the place the tip of the knife on the stone right hand grip with your left hand, the sharp scrape along the rocks to the light. and tie the ends have to do this 3-4 times.

- Don't use knife cut hot thing, it will make knife unsharp. After use knife rinse by water and dry and keep in safe place.

Buy knife

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